I practise in New Zealand
I want to practise in New Zealand
Patients, the public and employers
About the Dental Council
Resources and publications
Contact Us
Contact Us
I practise in New Zealand
I practise in New Zealand
I want to practise in New Zealand
Patients, the public and employers
About the Dental Council
Resources and publications
I practise in New Zealand
Dentists and dental specialists
Apply for an annual practising certificate
Scopes of practice
Register in another scope of practice
Scope of practice competencies for dentists
Scope of practice competencies for dental specialists
Dental hygienists
Remove an exclusion from your scope of practice
Scope of practice for dental hygienists
Scope of practice competencies for dental hygienists
Professional agreements for dental hygienists
Dental therapists
Register in the additional scope of adult care in dental therapy practice
Remove an exclusion from your scope of practice
Scopes of practice for dental therapists
Scopes of practice competencies for dental therapists
Professional agreements for dental therapists
Oral health therapists
Remove an exclusion from your scope of practice
Scope of practice for oral health therapists
OHT scope of practice implementation
Scope of practice competencies for oral health therapists
Consultative professional relationship for oral health therapists
Clinical dental technicians
Register in the additional scope for implant overdentures
Scopes of practice for clinical dental technicians
Scope of practice competencies for clinical dental technicians
Professional agreements for clinical dental technicians
Register in another scope of practice
Dental technicians
Scope of practice for dental technicians
Scope of practice competencies for dental technicians
Professional agreements for dental technicians
Register in another scope of practice
Orthodontic auxiliaries
Remove an exclusion from your scope of practice
Scope of practice for orthodontic auxiliaries
Scope of practice competencies for orthodontic auxiliaries
Professional agreements for orthodontic auxiliaries
Apply for an annual practising certificate
Change your details
Retain your registration
Apply to be restored to the Register
Leave the Register
Apply for a certificate of good standing
Compliance monitoring
Practice Standards compliance self-audit
Competence reviews
Complaints and notifications
Health Practitioners Disciplinary Tribunal
Health Practitioners Disciplinary Tribunal Decisions
Your responsibilities as a practitioner
Standards Framework
Recertification review documents and background
Recertification programme
I want to practise in New Zealand
Dentists and dental specialists
New Zealand Dentist Registration Examination (NZDREX)
Prescribed qualifications - Dentists
Prescribed qualifications - Dental specialists
Registering with a prescribed qualification
New Zealand Dental Specialist Registration Examinations
Clinical examination resources
Dental hygienists
Prescribed qualifications for dental hygienists
Registering with a prescribed qualification
New Zealand Dental Hygiene Registration Examination
Apply for written examination
Sit written examination
Apply for clinical examination
Sit clinical examination
Apply for registration
Resources for the examination
Dental therapists
Prescribed qualifications for dental therapists
Registering with a prescribed qualification
New Zealand Dental Therapy Registration Examination
Apply for written examination
Sit written examination
Apply for clinical examination
Sit clinical examination
Apply for registration
Resources for the examination
Oral health therapists
Prescribed qualifications for oral health therapists
Registering with a prescribed qualification
New Zealand Oral Health Therapy Registration Examination
Apply for written examination
Sit written examination
Apply for clinical examination
Sit clinical examination
Apply for registration
Resources for the examination
Clinical dental technicians
Prescribed qualifications for clinical dental technicians
Registering with a prescribed qualification
Dental technicians
Prescribed qualifications for dental technicians
New Zealand Dental Technology Registration Examination
Apply for examination
Sitting the examination
Apply for registration
Registering with a prescribed qualification
Eligibility for the NZDTechREX
Orthodontic auxiliary
Pathway 1 to register as an orthodontic auxiliary
Pathway 2 to register as an orthodontic auxiliary
Prescribed qualifications for orthodontic auxiliaries
Registering with a prescribed qualification
Assessment of individual qualifications and experience
English language
Registering under Trans-Tasman Mutual Recognition
Fitness to register
Examination eligibility criteria
New graduates from Otago and AUT universities
Assessment of individual qualifications, training and experience
Case requirements for individual assessment of qualifications, training and experience
Registration pathway self assessment tool
Patients, the public and employers
Patient rights
Concerns and complaints
Information for employers
Orthodontic resources for patients
About the Dental Council
What we do
Roles and functions
Regulatory principles
Summary of Council decisions
Summary of earlier Council decisions (2007-2012)
Meeting schedule
Who we are
Contact us
Council members
Council committees
Resources and publications
Practising intention - dentists and dental specialists 23-24
Setting of fees
Practising intention - dentists and dental specialists 24-25
Practising intention - oral health therapists 24-25
Practising intention - dental therapists 24-25
Practising intention - dental hygienists and orthodontic auxiliaries 24-25
Practising intention - dental and clinical dental technicians 24-25
Registration and other fees for 2024-2025
Practising intention - dentists and dental specialists 25-26
Practising intention - oral health therapists 25-26
Practising intention - dental therapists 25-26
Practising intention - dental hygienists and orthodontic auxiliaries 25-26
Practising intention - dental and clinical dental technicians 25-26
Registration and other fees for 2025-2026
Find a registered practitioner
Request a copy of the Register
Examinations timetable
Gazette notices
Regional hospital contact details
Orthodontic treatment - patient information
Ministry of Health guidance for tongue-tie in breastfeeding infants
Tooth whitening information
Advanced and new areas of practice
Online services
Practice standards
Guidance and principles
Previous newsletters (2002 - June 2014)
Current consultations
Closed consultations
Proposed changes to prescribed qualifications consultation submissions
Infection Prevention and Control Practice Standard consultation submissions
Oral health therapy scope of practice follow-up consultation submissions
Updated sedation practice standard consultation submissions
Consultation on the 2017/18 draft budgets, annual practising certificate (APC) fees, disciplinary levies and other fees submissions
Professional Boundaries Practice Standard submissions
Consultation on recertification submissions
Patient records and privacy of health information practice standard submissions
Consultation on short OHT fee submissions
Consultation on 2018/19 budget, APC fees and disciplinary levies, and other fees submissions
Informed consent practice standard submissions
Recertification phase 2 submissions
Consultation on 2019/20 draft budget, fees and levies submissions
Consultation submissions on the age limit for restorative activities in the oral health therapy scope of practice
Consultation submissions on a Naming Policy under the Health Practitioners Competence Assurance Act 2003
Consultation submissions on proposed changes to scopes of practice and prescribed qualification
Consultation submissions on proposed 2020/21 budget, fees and levies
New Zealand consultation submissions on the joint Australia and New Zealand accreditation standards
Australian consultation submissions on the joint Australia and New Zealand accreditation standards
Consultation submissions on professional working relationships and hygiene scope changes
Consultation submissions on proposed budget, APC fees and disciplinary levies
Consultation submission - follow-up working relationships
Consultation submission - professional competencies
Consultation submission - 2022/23 budget and fees
Consultation submissions -COVID-19 supplementary
Consultation - FINAL competencies consultation appendices
Budget 23/24 consultation submissions
Consultation - DRAFT competencies consultation appendices
Consultation submissions - Ireland recognition
Budget 24/25 consultation submissions
Consultation on proposed Naming policy changes
Consultation submissions - Infection prevention and control practice standard
Consultation submissions - 2025/26 budget, APC fees and disciplinary levies, and other fees
Annual reports
Strategic plan
Workforce analysis
Dental Council submissions
Working in Aotearoa New Zealand handbook
Confidence in your health practitioner
Self care for dentists booklet
Dental Council reports and discussion papers
New graduate registration applications
Patient Patient records and privacy of health information practice standardecords and privacy of he
Orthodontic auxiliaries and dental assistants – staying safely in sight and in scope
New Zealand accreditation committee established
Update on novel coronavirus
Ministry of Health, Dental Council and Professional Associations' joint statement: COVID-19 update
MOH and Dental Council joint guidance
Information for all health workers
Update on guidelines
Telehealth guidelines in dentistry
Alert level 3 guidelines for oral health practitioners
Update on COVID-19 pandemic response
Guidelines for COVID-19 alert level 2 - PROVISIONAL high-level principles
COVID-19, recertification, engagement update
ACC claim code: Dental Consultation by Telehealth for COVID-19
Update on resuscitation training requirements and responses during COVID-19, and ACC claim code
Progress update on alert level 2 guidelines
Alert level 2 guidelines issued
COVID-19 update: Gowns at alert level 2 and price setting
Dental Council update
Update on advertising practice standard, negative pressure rooms, WHOreference
Update on alert level 1 guidelines and Ministry of Health information for health workforce
Guidelines for COVID-19 alert level 1
Change to alert level 1 guidelines
Ministry of Health notice about face masks
Revision to joint alert level 1 guidelines
MOH and Dental Council joint statement
Extended waiver for prescribing
Outcome from joint Australia and New Zealand accreditation standards consultation
New Zealand moves to new COVID-19 alert levels
New Zealand COVID-19 alert levels announced
Prime Minister announces COVID-19 alert levels
New Zealand COVID-19 alert level 2 announced for Auckland
New Zealand COVID-19 alert level 2 announced for Auckland
New Zealand COVID-19 alert level 2 announcement for Auckland
COVID-19 alert level announcement
Auckland to move to alert level 1
Extended waiver for prescribing to 23 December 2020
Consultation on proposed changes to the working relationship requirements for oral health practitioners with dentists, and the practising conditions for dental hygiene activities
Further updates to joint alert level 1 guidelines
Update on Alert level 3 guidelines for oral health practitioners
New rules for electronic prescriptions to support virtual care in the community during COVID-19
COVID-19, APC fees, recertification etc
Consultation on proposed 2021/22 budget and fees
Treatment of tongue-tie in breastfeeding babies
Orthodontic working group report update
Accreditation update
Dental Council consultations open for feedback
NZDA Checkup
Office closing
Change to mouthwash requirements in COVID-19 guidelines
Waiver for prescribing extended to 22 March 2021
Person ID number changes for some practitioners
Auckland moves to COVID-19 alert level 3, rest of NZ to level 2, for three days
Auckland moves to COVID-19 alert level 2, rest of NZ to level 1
Auckland moves to COVID-19 alert level 1 from 11.59pm Monday 22 February
Consultation outcome on the 2021/22 budget, fees and levies
Auckland moves to COVID-19 alert level 3, rest of NZ to level 2, for seven days
Upcoming annual practising renewal
Treating patients who work at the New Zealand border or in a managed isolation or quarantine facility (MIQF)
Auckland moves to COVID-19 alert level 2, rest of NZ to level 1
Chair/Deputy Chair appointments
Auckland moves to COVID-19 alert level 1 with the rest of NZ
COVID-19 symptoms updated in guidelines
Follow-up consultation on proposed changes to the working relationship requirements for oral health practitioners with dentists, and the practising conditions for dental hygiene activities
New process for assessment of overseas qualifications, training and experience from 1 April 2021
Workforce analysis report for 2018/19
Practitioner article: Getting it right before things go wrong
Update to COVID-19 alert level 1 guidelines
Notice of new recertification programme
COVID-19 vaccine and your professional responsibility
Wellington moves to COVID-19 alert level 2, rest of NZ remains at alert level 1
Wellington remains at COVID-19 alert level 2, with rest of NZ at alert level 1
Wellington joins the rest of NZ at alert level 1
Practitioner update – registration of interest as COVID-19 vaccinators
Follow-up consultation outcome on proposed working relationship requirements, and dental hygiene practising conditions
Growing cultural competence to deliver culturally safe care
Consultation on proposed updates to professional competencies and changes to related scopes of practice
Council membership changes and Working in Aotearoa NZ resource
New Zealand moves to alert level 4
Restored link to MOH guidance on fit testing of N95 masks
New Zealand remains at alert level 4
COVID-19 information for the public during alert level 4 lockdown
New Zealand remains at COVID-19 alert level 4, and guidelines updated
COVID-19 changes to Alert levels and level 4 guidelines
Ongoing COVID-19 alert levels
Update to COVID-19 alert level changes and updated guidelines
COVID-19 alert levels unchanged
COVID-19 update
COVID-19 alert level changes
COVID-19 guideline updates
MOH message: Testing requirements for workforce of permitted businesses operating under Alert Level 3
COVID-19 alert level change for parts of Waikato
COVID-19 related updates
Reminder to complete your current CPD requirements by 31 December 2021
Consultation on proposed 2022/23 budget, fees and levies
COVID-19 alert levels and vaccination
COVID-19 mandatory vaccination
Ministry of Health requirements on mandatory vaccination for health and disability sector workers
Announced alert level changes and change to alert level 3 guidelines - multi chair clinics
New graduate registration applications
Mandatory vaccination order and guidelines published
New link to MOH mandatory vaccination guidelines
Waikato moves to alert level 3, step 2
Upper Northland moves to alert level 3, MIQ places available for health and disability workers
Outcome from consultation on updating professional competencies and changing related scopes of practice for oral health professions
New recertification programme for oral health therapists, dental hygienists, dental therapists, orthodontic auxiliaries, dental technicians and clinical dental technicians
Ministry of Health update on vaccination
Consultation on the proposed supplementary risk management principles for oral health during the COVID-19 pandemic
Outcome from consultation on proposed supplementary risk management principles for oral health during the COVID-19 pandemic
Ministry of Health update on RAT and survey for dentists on prescribing
Office closure
Outcome from 2022/23 proposed budget and fee consultation
Boosters required under changes to mandatory vaccination orders
Wakaminenga Kaunihera Hauora Health Council
Critical services under the COVID-19 Close Contact Exemption Scheme
Voluntary bonding scheme 2022 opening soon
Extension to mandatory vaccination orders for boosters
Pause on new registration applications for assessment of individual qualifications and experience
Payment of annual practising certificates
COVID-19 Omicron – Red, phase 3 update
Dental Council elects new Chair and Deputy Chair
Results of Regulatory Authority Review 2021
Ministry of Health voluntary bonding scheme
COVID-19 – applying for a temporary medical exemption from mandatory vaccination
31 March 2022 deadline
Dental Council annual report
Protection framework changes announced 23 March 2022
Minor updates to the COVID-19 supplementary standard
Free flu vaccines available for health and disability workers
Changes to the vaccination order
Update to patient screening questions for COVID-19
TMVI practice standard replaced by new “Blood borne viruses practice standard”
We have moved offices
Individual assessment registration pathway now open
Vaccine mandate changes for some health and disability workers
Upcoming professional peer confirmation for new recertification programme
Consultation on proposed addition of Haumarutanga ahurea/Cultural safety domain to dental specialist competencies for New Zealand
COVID-19 updates announced
Mask requirements in health service premises
Consultation on proposed 2023/24 budget and fees
Annual report 2021/22
Changes to MSD dental special needs grants
Message from the Chair
Te Hā – Māori Advisory Committee established
Professional Advisor Dexter Bambery retires
Adult restorative programme approved for Aotearoa New Zealand registrants
Haumarutanga ahurea | Cultural safety domain added to dental specialist competencies
Update on recertification programme
Registration of Aotearoa New Zealand 2022 graduates
Overseas practitioners registering in Aotearoa New Zealand
Upcoming medicine classification changes
The Therapeutic Products Bill
University of Otago Master of Community Dentistry Student Research Project
Outcome from 2023/24 proposed budget and fees consultation
Therapeutic Products Bill submission
Consultation on proposed recognition of Ireland Dental Council accredited dentistry programmes
Naming Notice - Dr Jacob Goldenberg
Update on guidance on advanced and new areas of practice
Local anaesthetic and adrenaline medicines reclassification changes approved
New radiography course for dental therapists and dental hygienists approved
Changes to the Radiation Safety Regulations
Consultation on the proposed Principles for quality and safe prescribing practice statement
Office closed on Monday 17 July 2023
Ireland accredited dentistry programmes now recognised in Aotearoa
Annual recertification programme for dentists and dental specialists
Changes to prescribing regulations
University of Otago postgraduate adult restorative dental care programme accredited
Workforce analysis report 2020 to 2022
Request for expressions of interest from practitioners
Consultation on proposed 2024/25 budget and fees
Consultation on proposed Naming policy changes
Recertification programme and policy update
Outcome of the 2024/25 budget and fees consultation
Accreditation reviews
Annual practising certificates (APCs)
Feedback survey coming soon
Auckland University of Technology Graduate Certificate of Health Science (Oral Health) programme accredited
Consultation on proposed end-date to some prescribed qualifications
English language requirements and tests policy update
Naming policy update
Save the date - Upcoming changes to Dental Council competencies and standards
Consultation | Infection prevention and control practice standard
Consultation on proposed 2025/26 budget and fees
Changes to meetings and webinars on competencies and standards
Prescribing principles released
Director-General of Health extends temporary authorisation for unsigned prescriptions
Outcome of consultation on proposed end-date to some prescribed qualifications
Christmas shutdown
Outcome of the 2025/26 budget and fees consultation
Outcome of the Infection prevention and control practice standard consultation
University of Otago undergraduate programmes accredited
Updates to the Council’s Restricted activities policy
Council Chair and Deputy Chair elections
Accreditation Reports
Approval of courses for the removal of exclusions
Government departments and agencies
Dental professional organisations
New Zealand health responsible authorities
Educational institutions offering dental programmes in New Zealand
Terms and conditions of use
Privacy statement
Practitioner portal