Council committees

The Dental Council is responsible for the regulation of the dental professions it is responsible for and has a governance, strategic and policy role. Council has established the following committees:

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 Audit and risk management committee

The audit and risk management committee advises the Council on its financial management, organisational risk management, internal controls and quality assurance framework.

The current members of the committee are:

  • Brent Kennerley (Independent member, partner Grant Thornton (Chair))
  • John Bridgman (Ex-officio)
  • Michelle Lomax (Layperson)
  • Rosemary Fitzpatrick (Layperson)
  • Helen Tane (Dental therapist). 

Accreditation committee

The purpose of the accreditation committee is to advise the Council on accreditation matters.  

The accreditation committee develops accreditation standards, policies and procedures for the accreditation of New Zealand educational programmes that lead to registration as an oral heath practitioner in New Zealand. 

The members of the committee are:

  • Prof Ivan Darby (Chair & senior dental academic)
  • Andrew Cautley (Ex-officio)
  • Susan Gorrie (New Zealand clinician)
  • A/Prof Meegan Hall (Lay member)
  • Mania Maniapoto-Ngaia (Independent educational standard-setting member)
  • Ian Mercer (New Zealand clinician)
  • A/Prof Janet Wallace (Senior dental academic).

Te Hā

Te Hā is a cultural advisory group established under the Health Practitioners Competence Assurance Act 2003 and is a fundamental step in our journey to give effect to te Tiriti Ō Waitangi | the Treaty of Waitangi.

The members of Te Hā are: 

  • Roxanne Waru (Chair)
  • Andrew Cautley (Ex-officio)
  • Hilda Halkyard-Harawira
  • Raaniera Te Whata
  • Justin Wall.

Blood borne viruses panel

The purpose of the BBV panel is to ensure the health and safety of the public by:

  • the management and monitoring of registered oral health practitioners who are or may be infected with the hepatitis B virus, hepatitis C virus or human immunodeficiency virus, collectively referred to as transmissible major viral infections (“TMVI”); and,
  • the provision of advice to Council under section 16(d) of the Act, about the fitness for registration of applicants seeking registration or restoration to the Register; or the fitness to practise of practitioners who are seeking an annual practising certificate; who are or may be infected with a TMVI.

The current members of the BBV panel are:

  • John Bridgman (Chair)
  • Ed Gane (Hepatologist)
  • Paula Baker (Lay member)
  • Mark Thomas (Infectious diseases physician).