Practitioner update – registration of interest as COVID-19 vaccinators

The Ministry of Health has asked us to share the following information with our registered oral health practitioners. We encourage practitioners who can help with vaccinations to register their interest using the links provided.


Message from the Ministry of Health

The Ministry is looking for additional vaccinators to be part of New Zealand’s biggest vaccination event – the COVID-19 vaccination rollout. People who are willing to be employed, part-time or full-time, as Authorised, Provisional or COVID-19 Vaccinators, should register their interest via the Ministry of Health’s Hands Up registration form.  Registrations will be reviewed by DHB recruitment teams to match with their current vacancies.

People with current annual practising certificates (APCs) in eligible professions can now register directly with IMAC to complete Provisional Vaccinator training. All details about the training are available on the IMAC website and registrations to complete the training can be made here.

If your APC has lapsed within the past 3 years, you will need to contact the Council about applying for an interim APC prior to registering with IMAC.

People without a current APC may be able to join the ‘COVID-19 Vaccinator’ workforce. This role is fully and directly supervised by an authorised healthcare professional and can perform a limited scope of tasks including administering the COVID-19 vaccine.  Please note that not all vaccination sites will recruit for this limited scope role.

We thank you for your interest in the COVID-19 vaccination rollout.

Hei konā mai i roto i ngā mihi 

Ministry of Health