Closed consultations

Consultations 2024

Consultation on proposed 2025/26 budget, APC fees and disciplinary levies, and other fees

Consultation document (September 2024)


Outcome letter (December 2024)


Consultation on proposed Infection prevention and control standard

Consultation document (August 2024)


Outcome letter (December 2024)


Consultation on proposed end-date to some prescribed qualifications 

Consultation document (July 2024)

No submissions received


Consultations 2023


Consultation on proposed Naming policy changes

Consultation document (November 2023)



Consultation on 2024/25 budget, APC fees and disciplinary levies, and other fees

Consultation document (October 2023)


Outcome letter (December 2032)


Consultation on proposed Principals for quality and safe prescribing practice statement

Consultation document (June 2023)


Consultation on proposed recognition of Ireland Dental Council accredited dentistry programmes

Consultation document (May 2023)


Consultations 2022

Consultation on 2023/24 budget, APC fees and disciplinary levies, and other fees

Consultation document (October 2022)


Outcome (December 2022)


Consultation on proposed addition of Haumarutanga ahurea/Cultural safety domain to dental specialist competencies for New Zealand

Consultation document

  1. Dental specialist competencies: Endodontics
  2. Dental specialist competencies: Oral and maxillofacial surgery
  3. Dental specialist competencies: Oral medicine
  4. Dental specialist competencies: Oral pathology
  5. Dental Specialist competencies: Oral surgery
  6. Dental specialist competencies: Orthodontics
  7. Dental specialist competencies: Paediatric dentistry
  8. Dental specialist competencies: Periodontics
  9. Dental specialist competencies: Prosthodontics
  10. Dental specialist competencies: Restorative dentistry (New Zealand only)
  11. Dental specialist competencies: Special needs dentistry
  12. Dental specialist competencies: Public health dentistry (Community Dentistry)

Consultations 2021

Please note that some of the references listed in these documents are hosted on external websites and the Council can not guarantee that the links will remain current. Please contact us on if you require any of the referenced documentation. 

Consultation on proposed supplementary risk management principles for oral health during the COVID-19 pandemic

Consultation document (November 2021)


Outcome letter

Supplementary standard - Risk management principles for oral health during the COVID-19 pandemic

Figure 2 - Patient risk assessment questions (A4 print) 

Figure 3 - Patient management, room, PPE and stand down time requirements (A4 print) 

Figure 3 - Patient management, room, PPE and stand down time requirements (A3 print) 


Consultation on proposed 2022/23 budget, fees and levies

Consultation document (October 2021)


Outcome letter (December 2021)


Consultation on proposed updates to professional competencies and changes to related scopes of practice

Consultation document (July 2021)

Consultation appendices - proposed drafts (July 2021)


Outcome letter (November 2021)

Final appendices approved (November 2021) 


Follow-up consultation on proposed changes to the working relationship requirements for oral health practitioners with dentists, and the practising conditions for dental hygiene activities

Consultation document (March 2021)



A. Dental hygiene scope of practice

B. Dental therapy scope of practice

C. Oral health therapy scope of practice

D. Dental technology scope of practice

E. Clinical dental technology scope of practice

F.  Orthodontic auxiliary scope of practice 

Combined appendices A-F



Outcome letter (July 2021)

Consultations 2020

Please note that some of the references listed in these documents are hosted on external websites and the Council can not guarantee that the links will remain current. Please contact us on if you require any of the referenced documentation.


Consultation on proposed 2021/22 budget and fees, and policies on the allocation of costs for inquiries and competence remediation


Consultation document (December 2020)


Outcome letter (February 2021)


Consultation on proposed changes to the working relationship requirements for oral health practitioners with dentists, and the practising conditions for dental hygiene activities


Consultation document (October 2020)



A. Guidance for the consultative professional relationship between an oral health therapist, dental therapist, dental hygienist, or orthodontic auxiliary and dentist/dental specialist

B. Guidance for the professional relationship between a dental technician or clinical dental technician and other health practitioners 

C. Dental hygiene scope of practice 

D. Dental therapy scope of practice 

E. Orthodontic auxiliary scope of practice 

F. Dental technology scope of practice 

G. Clinical dental technology scope of practice

 Submissions received


Proposed changes to the ADC/DC(NZ) Accreditation standards for dental practitioner programs

Outcome letter (10 August 2020)

Accreditation standards for dental practitioner programmes - coming into effect 1 January 2021

Report of the consultation on proposed changes to the ADC/DC(NZ) Accreditation standards for dental practitioner programs (May 2020)

Submissions - New Zealand respondents

Submissions - Australian respondents

Consultation documents

Consultation paper - Proposed changes to the ADC/DC(NZ) Accreditation standards for dental practitioner programs (February 2020)

Consultation - ADC/DC(NZ) Accreditation Standards for Dental Practitioner Programs 

Consultations 2019

Please note that some of the references listed in these documents are hosted on external websites and the Council can not guarantee that the links will remain current. Please contact us on if you require any of the referenced documentation.


Consultation on proposed 2020/21 budget, fees and levies 

Consultation document (November 2019)


Outcome letter (February 2020)


Consultation on proposed changes to scopes of practice and prescribed qualifications

Consultation document (October 2019)


Outcome letter (February 2020)

Updated scopes of practice and prescribed qualifications (notice to be gazetted)


Consultation on a naming policy under the Health Practitioners Competence Assurance Act 2003

Consultation document (October 2019)


Outcome (March 2020)

New policy - Policy on naming practitioners who are the subject of an order or direction made by Council 


Consultation on the age limit for restorative activities in the oral health therapy scope of practice

Consultation document (February 2019)


Outcome letter (September 2019)


Targeted review and expert advice on the medical emergency practice standard

Outcome of review

Updated medical emergency practice standard (November 2019)

Consultations 2018

Consultation on 2019/20 budget, fees and levies

Consultation document (December 2018)


Outcome letter (February 2019)


Consultation on recertification phase 2

Consultation document (August 2018)


Outcomes document (March 2019)

Consultations 2017

Please note that some of the references listed in these documents are hosted on external websites and the Council can not guarantee that the links will remain current. Please contact us on if you require any of the referenced documentation.


Consultation on informed consent practice standard

Consultation document (November 2017)

Attachment 1: Draft informed consent practice standard


Outcome (April 2018)

Final informed consent practice standard (May 2018)


Consultation on 2018/19 budget, APC fees and disciplinary levies, and other fees

Consultation document (October 2017)


Outcome (March 2018)


Consultation on patient records and privacy of health information practice standard

Consultation document (August 2017)

Attachment 1: Draft patient records practice standard


Outcome (December 2017)

Final patient records and privacy of health information practice standard (1 February 2018)


Consultation on 2017/18 four-month practising fee and disciplinary levy for oral health therapists

Consultation document (August 2017)


The fees presented in the consultation document were approved by Council in September 2017.


Consultation on recertification

Consultation document (June 2017) 


Summary report for phase one consultation (February 2018)

Executive summary report for phase one consultation (February 2018) 


Consultation on professional boundaries practice standard

Consultation document (May 2017)

Attachment 1: Draft professional boundaries practice standard


Outcome (July 2017)

Final professional boundaries practice standard (August 2017)


Targeted consultation on advanced areas of practice

Targeted consultation (December 2016)


Consultations 2016

Please note that some of the references listed in these documents are hosted on external websites and the Council can not guarantee that the links will remain current. Please contact us on if you require any of the referenced documentation.


Consultation on the 2017/18 draft budgets, APC fees and disciplinary levies and other fees

Consultation document (December 2016)


Outcome (February 2017)


Consultation on an updated sedation practice standard

Consultation document (July 2016), Att1 Draft sedation practice standard (July 2016)


Outcome (November 2016)

Final sedation practice standard (coming into effect 1 April 2017)


Consultation on proposed changes to prescribed qualifications

Consultation document (July 2016)


Outcome (November 2016)

Gazette notice (November 2016) 


Consultation on the Dentist and Dental Specialist Annual Practising Certificate Fee and Disciplinary Levy effective from 1 October 2016

Consultation document (July 2016)

The fees presented in the consultation document were approved by Council in August 2016.


Proposed oral health therapy scope of practice follow-up consultation

Consultation document (March 2016)

Submissions (March - May 2016)

Outcome letter with all attachments (36 pages) (October 2016)

Outcome letter without attachments 

Attachment 1: Scope of Practice for oral health therapy 

Attachment 2: Guidance for the consultative professional relationship between an oral health therapist and dentist/ dental specialist

Attachment 3: Competency standards for oral health therapists

Attachment 4: Updated prescribed qualifications for dental hygiene, dental therapy and orthodontic auxiliary scopes of practice

Attachment 5: Supplementary information on registration scenarios as an oral health therapist


Consultations 2015

Please note that some of the references listed in these documents are hosted on external websites and the Council can not guarantee that the links will remain current. Please contact us on if you require any of the referenced documentation.


Proposed entry level competencies for dental specialties consultation

Consultation document (December 2015)

Submission template

Consultation report (June 2016)


Consultation on the 2016/17 Draft Budgets, Annual Practising Certificate Fees, Disciplinary Levies and Other Fees effective from 1 April 2016  

Cover letter (December 2015)

Consultation document


Infection Prevention and Control Practice Standard Consultation

Consultation document and draft Infection Prevention and Control Practice Standard  (October 2015)


Outcome letter (March 2016)

Final Infection Prevention and Control Practice Standard  (coming into effect 1 May 2016)


Consultation on the Dentist and Dental Specialist Annual Practising Certificate Fee and Disciplinary Levy effective from 1 October 2015

Consultation cover letter (June 2015)

Consultation document (June 2015)


Follow-up consultation on the Standards Framework for Oral Health Practitioners

Consultation document (April 2015)

Attachment 1:  2nd draft Standards Framework (April 2015)

Outcome letter (August 2015)

Final Standards Framework for Oral Health Practitioners (August 2015)