English language requirements and tests policy update

The Council has made changes to the English language requirements and test policy.

These changes include:

1. Inclusion of a new option for applicants to demonstrate their English communication capability through practice experience.  

This option is available to those:

  • who do not speak English as their first language
  • have been successfully practising in English in the UK, USA, Canada, Ireland, or Australia where the primary language of communication in the practice is English, for at least two years within the last five years
  • who have two practitioners registered in a similar oral health profession who speak English as their first language, willing to attest to the applicant’s ability to comprehend and communicate effectively in English in an oral health setting with patients and professional colleagues.

This pathway is successfully used by other New Zealand responsible authorities.

2. For those applicants that continue to need a pass in an approved English language test and chooses to sit the International English Language Test System (IELTS Academic module), the overall band score requirement of 7.5 has been removed. Applicants must continue to score at least 7 in each of the four bands.

Dental technicians and orthodontic auxiliaries have different IELTS pass requirements. These remain unchanged and are detailed in the policy.

3. For dental specialist applicants who speak English as their first language and completed their postgraduate training (instead of their undergraduate training) in the UK, USA, Canada, Ireland, or Australia – the requirement for a pass in an approved English language test is removed. This now aligns the requirements for undergraduate and postgraduate training.

Details of the changes can be found within the updated policy. If you’re considering submitting a registration application or you employ overseas practitioners, please read the policy carefully.

English language requirements and tests policy (June 2024)

If you have any questions, please contact the team at inquiries@dcnz.org.nz.