Health Practitioners Disciplinary Tribunal

Health Practitioners Disciplinary Tribunal

The Health Practitioners Disciplinary Tribunal (the Tribunal) hears and decides disciplinary charges brought against registered health practitioners. The charges may be brought by a professional conduct committee or the Director of Proceedings of the Health and Disability Commissioner’s office.

The Tribunal operates independently of the Dental Council.

For each disciplinary proceeding, the Tribunal comprises a Chair and Deputy Chair (barristers or solicitors) and four members from the panel maintained by the Ministry of Health. Three of those members must be from the same profession as the practitioner under investigation and one must be a layperson.

You can view a copy of the Tribunal guide to disciplinary proceedings.

Members of the panel for oral health practitioners



Robert East

Mary Livingston

Paopio Luteru

Alexander Munro

Warwick Ross

Sergio Salis

Natalie Stent

Hugh Trengrove

Justin Wall

Dental hygienists

Elsie-May Denne

Susan Morriss

Mary Mowbray

Catherine Schillinger



Dental therapists

Linda Blackman

Daniel Fernandez

Lynette Nicholas


Oral health therapists

Eugenie Boussenko

Riona Haripershad

Georgina Welsh


Dental technicians

John Batchelor

John Egan

Johanna Hearn

Ludwig Jansen van Vuuren

Michael Smith

Lay members

Tim Burns

Leasa Carlyon

Liz Jones

Amanda Kinzett

Jay Lee

Brian McCulloch

Dorothy McKinnon

Stephanie Palmer

Marie Taylor-Cyphers 

Tony Young

Tribunal decisions

Hearings of the Tribunal are held in public unless it orders otherwise. All decisions and summaries are published on the Tribunal website.

Disciplinary decisions involving oral health practitioners, including any relevant court decisions, are available here.

The Tribunal may find that an oral health practitioner has:

  • been guilty of professional misconduct because of an act or omission that amounted to malpractice or negligence in relation to the practitioner’s registered scope of practice when the conduct occurred
  • been guilty of professional misconduct because of an act or omission that has brought or was likely to bring discredit to the dental profession
  • been convicted of an offence that reflects adversely on the practitioner’s fitness to practise
  • practised their profession while not holding a current practising certificate
  • performed a health service without being permitted to perform that service by their scope of practice
  • failed to observe any conditions included in their scope of practice
  • breached a penalty order of the Tribunal.


The Tribunal can impose a range of penalties including:

  • cancelling a practitioner’s registration
  • suspending a practitioner for up to three years
  • imposing conditions on a practitioner’s practice for up to three years
  • censuring the practitioner
  • imposing a fine of up to $30,000
  • requiring payment of part or all of the costs and expenses incurred by other parties.