Regional hospital contact details

This page lists contact numbers for regional hospitals that practitioners can call in the event of an injury resulting in exposure of the patient's tissues to the practitioner's blood.

Please note the procedure practitioners must follow is set out on page 11 of the blood borne viruses practice standard.







Northland, Auckland



Auckland City Hospital


(09) 367 0000


Bay of Plenty, Tairawhiti



Tauranga Hospital


(07) 579 8000





Waikato Hospital


(07) 839 8899


Hawkes Bay



Hastings Hospital


(06) 878 8109


Taranaki (advice provided by Christchurch)



Christchurch Hospital


(03) 364 0640


Wanganui, Manawatu



Palmerston North Hospital


(06) 356 9169


Wellington, Wairarapa



Wellington Hospital


(04) 385 5999


Nelson- Marlborough



Nelson Hospital


(03) 546 1800


Canterbury, West Coast



Christchurch Hospital


(03) 364 0640


Otago, Southland



Dunedin Hospital


(03) 474 0999