Self care for dentists booklet

Self care for dentists booklet (NZDA 2013)

The Self care for dentists booklet (2013) was published by the New Zealand Dental Association (NZDA) to encourage dentists to take positive actions towards self-care. The focus of the revised Self care for dentists booklet is on providing activities, assessments and resources that address self-care issues specifically relevant to work in dentistry.

Dentistry is a demanding and stressful profession that is most successfully practised with collegial support. NZDA aims to provide this support for dentists in New Zealand and gives advice and assistance to its members. Phone: 09 579 8001.

Doctors Health Advisory Service 

The Doctors Health Advisory Service (DHAS) provides collegial support for health professionals with health problems and stress. It operates a telephone Help Line to provide personal advice to practitioners facing difficulties. Anyone who is concerned about their own health, the health of a colleague, or the health of a family member who is a health practitioner can call the Help Line.

If requested, appropriate counselling, referral for treatment, or other support can be arranged by DHAS.

Help line: 0800 471 2654 (24 hour service)