You should have received an invitation to take part in our engagement survey by email last week.
If you did not, you can access the survey here. We encourage all practitioners and other stakeholders to do the survey, which only takes between 5-10 minutes to complete. Please take the time to have your say even if you did it last year - we intend to compare year-on-year results. The survey will remain open until Friday 24 March.
This is just the second time we have conducted this survey – we plan to do it every year to build a complete picture on how our engagement with practitioners and other stakeholders is tracking.
Improving how we engage with our stakeholders is one of the five strategic priorities the Council is focused on. Last year our engagement survey showed most of you felt we communicated with practitioners and other stakeholders reasonably well, although there was room for improvement.
We hope many of you take this opportunity to tell us what you think we are doing well and what we can improve – we will report back to you on the results in the next newsletter.