Consultation on proposed 2023/24 budget and fees

The Dental Council is seeking feedback from practitioners and stakeholders on its draft 2023/24 budget, proposed APC fees and disciplinary levies, and other fees for oral health practitioners.

Details are set out in the consultation document.

Please provide your feedback by Friday 18 November 2022. We will consider all submissions received with a view to making final decisions at our meeting in December 2022. Once approved by Council, the 2023/24 APC fee and disciplinary levy schedule will be published in the New Zealand Gazette.

Submission process

You can send us your submissions by email: Alternatively, you can send us your feedback by post to: Dental Council, PO Box 10-448, Wellington 6140.

Submissions received will be published on our website and will record the submitter’s name and profession (for registered health practitioners). All other contact details will be removed. We will not publish any submissions containing derogatory or inflammatory content.

As this is a public consultation, "In confidence" information will only be accepted under special circumstances. Please contact us before submitting material in confidence.

Your submissions must reach us by 5pm on Friday 18 November 2022.

If you have any questions about this consultation, you can contact us by email or phone 04 499 4820.