The role of Council is to oversee the strategic direction of the organisation, monitor management performance and ensure Council meets the requirements of the Health Practitioners Competence Assurance Act 2003.
The Dental Council is appointed by the Minister of Health. It has ten members including seven practitioner members (four dentists, one dental therapist, one dental hygienist and one dental technician or clinical dental technician) and three lay members. Members are appointed for a term up to three years and may be reappointed for further terms, but may not serve for more than nine consecutive years. Each year the Council elects two of its members as chair and deputy chair.
The Dental Council members are:
John Bridgman (Chair, Dental specialist)
Rosemary Fitzpatrick (Deputy Chair, layperson)
Andrew Cautley (Dental specialist)
Chris Brooks (Dentist)
Tihema Nicol (Dentist)
Helen Tāne (Dental therapist)
Erin Campbell-Day (Dental hygienist)
Joanne Choi (Clinical dental technician)
Michelle Lomax (Layperson)
Paula Baker (Layperson)